5 Springtime Health and Safety Tips for your Furry Friends

5 Springtime Health and Safety Tips for your Furry Friends

Spring has sprung! As the season changes, it is important to be mindful of your furry friends as the spring season presents many dangers to your pets! Here are five safety tips to help keep your pets safe and in good health this spring.

As your annual spring clean kicks off, it is important to be mindful of the products you are using! Make sure they are pet friendly and naturally formulated as this will help prevent a reaction to harmful substances used in many household cleaning supplies. When cleaning you should keep your pets secure and away until all cleaning substances are dry and out of the paw’s reach. This goes for when you are cleaning your pet as well! It is particularly important you wash them with a shampoo that is specially formulated for pets! A dog’s pH level is 7.5, whereas a human is 5.5. Using a pet shampoo will balance the pH for their skin, therefore not causing irritation. Using a natural shampoo is important to limit the amount of chemicals on the coat and ensure it stays beautiful and shiny!

As the plants and flowers bloom in the spring, it is important to keep an eye on your pets when they are roaming the environment. Many springtime plants can be very toxic to animals if ingested. Symptoms your pet may show include vomiting, diarrhoea, and lethargy. For example, Daffodils, another popular component of spring floral arrangements, are toxic to cats.

Simply coming into contact with various allergy-causing plants and weeds can cause our pets to suffer an uncontrollable urge to scratch, lick, chew and rub at their skin until fur loss and dermatitis develops.

Here is a list of all the toxic plants, flowers, fruits, and nuts that are harmful to pets!


Exercising during winter can be difficult for all of us, including your pets! It is most likely they would’ve been less active during the winter so be sure to work your way into an exercise plan for your pet gradually. This is important to help prevent injuries as it will rebuild muscle tone and cardiovascular health. Having an exercise plan will limit injuries as the weather gets warmer and your pet begins to engage in more strenuous outdoor activities.  

Springtime can be the cause of many allergy related issues as the blooming of plants and production of pollen can cause the immune system to react. Spring is the peak season for when most pet parents notice an increase in their pets chewing and scratching. Don’t be alarmed if your pet develops a new itch but do seek advice! Most pets cough or sneeze aggressively when allergic to pollen so this will help you identify the reaction. Inflammation can be decreased by supplementing the diet with Omega oils. Our Pet Drs mega oil contains a blend of Omega 3,6 and 9 oils to ensure your pet is getting the crucial essential fatty acids they need.

The last aspect to be aware of in springtime is food! Chocolate ranks as the number one pet poison! There are many other foods that your pet may be allergic to. Xylitol, a naturally occurring sugar alcohol used as a sweetener in many common human food products such as candy and chewing gum, is another item to keep out of your dog’s reach. Cats in particular, seem to enjoy chewing on the shimmering, wiggling temptation of fake grass, eventually swallowing it strand by strand. Be a diligent feline parent and make sure your cats pass on this grass. Unpeeled hard-boiled eggs are also favourites for dogs to eat and can cause GI complications or obstructions, not to mention some really pungent gas so be sure to avoid!