What is Rosacea?
Rosacea is one of the most common skin problems today. A chronic, inflammatory skin condition that affects the blood vessels, Rosacea most commonly occurs on the face and appears in the form of reddened skin. Rosacea is often confused with acne, eczema or a skin allergy. When left untreated, it can worsen over time, so it’s important to seek diagnosis if you suspect you may have rosacea.
Symptoms & Types of Rosacea
There are a range of symptoms of this skin disorder, the most common being the altering of skin color. Typically skin will appear red and while it can occur anywhere, it’s most commonly found on the forehead, nose and cheeks. In addition to red patches, people with rosacea may also experience flushed skin on the neck, chest, scalp and ears.

No specific test is used to diagnosis rosacea. Instead, your doctor relies on the history of your symptoms and an examination of your skin. You may have tests to rule out other conditions, such as psoriasis or lupus. Studies show that in people of color, rosacea can be missed or misdiagnosed as an allergic reaction or seborrheic dermatitis.
Rosacea Causes & Triggers
While there is no scientific evidence to prove the exact cause of rosacea, there are some common triggers that cause symptoms to flare. These triggers vary from person to person, but typically occur when stimuli dilate the blood vessels for example some foods, alcohol, medications & bacteria.

Types of Rosacea
Similarly to many other skin conditions, there are a range of different types of rosacea. Each type has its own specific symptoms and treatment methods.
Treating Your Rosacea
The best treatment varies based on the type and severity of rosacea you’re experiencing. We recommend seeing a dermatologist who will detect the symptoms and diagnose the correct type of rosacea, before recommending a suitable treatment. Grahams Natural Rosacea Cream may be a suitable treatment.
Other treatment options include:
Natural Ingredients
Steroids can improve rosacea’s signs and symptoms temporarily, but symptoms flare when topical steroids are withdrawn, creating a vicious cycle.
The excessive, regular use of topical fluorinated steroids on the face often produces an array of skin complications, including an eruption clinically indistinguishable from rosacea – 'steroid-induced rosacea'. Steroid rosacea is a condition on the face which is triggered by the use of oral or topical corticosteroids.
At Grahams Natural, we believe in treating skin conditions with a natural approach instead. Our products are steroid-free and made with all-natural ingredients which make them safe to use. Some ingredients we love:

Let's Chat
We’re happy and available to answer any questions you have or provide you with more information about your products. Please note, we try our best to respond to all inquiries within 48 hours, Monday - Friday. Contact us here.
Additional Information About Rosacea:
National Rosacea Society
The National Rosacea Society (NRS) is the world's largest organization dedicated to improving the lives of the estimated 16 million Americans who suffer from this widespread but poorly understood disorder. Through education and advocacy, our mission is threefold:To raise awareness of rosacea.To provide public health information on the disorder.To encourage and support medical research that may lead to improvements in its management, prevention and potential cure.
Please note: The primary purpose of this page is to provide information regarding the skin condition rosacea and not to provide medical advice or assistance. Content from this article has been sourced from reputable sources including National Rosacea Society, NCBI, Health Line, and AAD.
Links to these pages will be available throughout the article to benefit the user and do not constitute medical advice or treatment recommendations.