Diabetic Foot Syndrome

What is Diabetic Foot Syndrome?

Diabetic Foot Syndrome (DFS), as defined by the World Health Organization, is an “ulceration of the foot (from the ankle and including the ankle) associated with neuropathy and different grades of infection”. 
Poorly controlled diabetes leads to changes in the blood vessels, circulation, nerves and structure of skin and connective tissue that results indiabetic foot care
As a result the surface parts of the body, most particularly the feet are substantially more susceptible to the set of symptoms called Diabetic Foot Syndrome, that includes
Diabetic foot care
    Consequential calluses and other injuries, may go undetected because of a reduced feeling in your feet; deep infections can result in part, due to decreased circulation. This happens more often when someone has been living with diabetes for some time.


    Foot symptoms of diabetes vary from person to person and may depend on the specific issues a person is experiencing at the time.
    However, symptoms might include:
    symptoms for diabetic foot care
      If an infection develops, a person may also experience some of the following:
      causes and treatment of diabetic foot care
        Any person with diabetes who experiences symptoms of an infection, especially on the feet, should seek emergency treatment.


        When treating foot ulcers it is essential to get on top of management as soon as possible to avoid an infection. When not treated promptly, an infection can lead to hospitalization and possible amputation.
        When treating a foot ulcer:
        • Keep weight off the affected area
        • Keep blood glucose levels under control
        • Apply dressings and/or bacterial creams
        • Monitoring the area daily and assessing the wound
          It is important to make sure weight is lifted off the wound. Your podiatrist or doctor may provide you with crutches, special footwear or a wheelchair depending on the severity of the wound. This will help speed up the healing process as pressure and irritation has been reduced.
          If you have noticed you have a foot ulcer, its important to be assessing the area daily and incorporating daily management strategies every day. If you notice the wound is not recovering, it is best to see your doctor.

          Why choose Grahams?

          We have analysed specific considerations of diabetic skin including:
          grahams treatment for diabetic foot
          key benefits for diabetic foot care
            Feel free to contact us if you have questions!