1. Know your eczema triggers
One of the main triggers of eczema, is people not knowing why they getting red and dry skin on themselves! The best tip we can give you is READ THE LABEL! Most chemically made products are a BIG NONO for eczema suffers!
This can range from hair products, deodorants or scented soaps. Knowing what your skin is reacting to is half the battle when dealing with eczema! Understanding your body and avoiding these triggers will cut down the reaction and allergy in your immune system.
Other triggers such as dust mites, grasses and food also may affect your eczema. If you have tried eliminating these triggers and have had no results, we strongly recommended an allergy prick test, which will test your reaction to dust mites, foods, fragrances, grasses and animals!
2. Moisturising
The worst part of having eczema is dealing with the dryness. Using a natural moisturising cream is the best way to keep the skin moist and the eczema under control. Moisturising daily and after any activity that dries the skin is essential.
3. Managing climate and seasons
We have four seasons and each can be different for someone with eczema. Changes in temperature, humidity and pollen in the air can cause different reactions with eczema. We can't control the weather but there are steps we can use to help the eczema!
In the hotter and more humid climates, we suggest to stay cool, as heat can cause flare-ups. In the cooler climates, using a mist humidifier in your home will help humidify the air and prevent drying of the skin.
4. Try not to scratch
Trying not to scratch is super important, as scratching the skin, breaks the skin cells which leads to infection. There are many ways in which you can stop the itch by moisturising, baths and medications. You should read our article on the amazing anti-bacterial properties of Manuka Honey.
5. Keep sweating to a minimum
Keeping your core body temperature down is essential for people with eczema, as flare ups can occur when the affected areas are hot and therefore you will scratch. The best remedy is to have a cold shower.
6. Wear clothes that don't irritate the skin
Some fabrics such as wools and synthetic fabrics can cause irritation of the skin. We suggest cotton and cotton blends as they are the most gentle. Another important aspect of clothing is always washing before wearing, as dust mites may be on older clothing. Natural laundry detergent should be used when washing your clothes as you might be allergic to the chemicals in your current detergent.
7. Stress and eczema
Stress is a major factor in eczema flare-ups. You're more likely to have a flare-up when you're stressed. We suggest learning some stress relief techniques such as yoga or meditation. Light exercise is also known to help reduce stress.
8. Showers and moisturising
Hot showers will cause eczema flare ups, as the shower will rise your core body temperature and therefore you will scratch, having a mild temperature shower is ideal. After your shower you should gently pat your skin as rubbing would cause irritation and apply moisturising cream while the skin is still soft and damp.
9. Protecting your hands
One of the most common areas of eczema that we see is the hands, and that is because your hands are exposed to water (which is drying) and other substances (chemicals). Providing protection of the hands is really the only way of preventing this, which can be achieved from wearing gloves and moisturising often.
We really do hope this helps! Please feel free to contact us at anytime!